Thursday Announcements-December 5, 2024 ERIN’S EPISTLETTES Recent Worship Engagement Trends September month-end average: 50 October month-end average: 50 November month-end average: 57 September-November Low & High Sundays: 34 & 72 Blue Christmas Saint Francis is again co-sponsoring Blue Christmas. This service takes place on the longest night of the year. It's a time and space to honor those who are grieving, suffering which is often amplified by the hyped up, superficial joy of secular Christmas in the surrounding culture. This year's local gathering will take place at Calvary Lutheran, 17 E 27th St in Scottsbluff on Saturday, December 21 at 5:30 p.m. Those actively grieving as well as those wishing to support those who are grieving are welcome. Christmas Eve & Christmas Day Worship Saint Francis, 14 E 20th St, Scottsbluff Advent IV: Sunday, December 22 at 9 a.m. Christmas Eve: Tuesday, December 24 at 5:30 p.m. and 8:30 p.m. The 5:30 service will be livestreamed on our Facebook page; incense will be used at 8:30 p.m. There is no service Christmas Day. Saint Matthew's, 312 W 16th St, Alliance Christmas Eve: Tuesday, December 24 at 11 p.m. Christmas Day: Wednesday, December 25 at 10 a.m. The 11 p.m. Christmas Eve service will be livestreamed _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Regularly, low-income folks drop into the church offices to request assistance. Occasionally, those folks solicit parishioners directly. While I cannot stop you from giving money, I strongly discourage you from doing so. Helping those in need is the primary purpose of the rector's discretionary fund. Last year, the vestry approved a policy to guide disbursement of those funds in a way that is fair and encourages active partnership with local agencies already offering an array of services and assistance. Because of the boundaries set by this new policy, we sometimes say "no" to requests. In many cases, we refer the requester to another agency. If anyone solicits you, I encourage you to direct them to me. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Those who serve, this week December 8 9am Musician Barb Becker Media Team Steve Trickler Ushers Greg Suhr, Collette Suhr Acolyte Master Clark Wisniewski Acolytes Travis Ironshell, Josie Weiss, Monica Shambaugh Lector/Intercessor Jack Webb Eucharistic Minister Nancy Kepler Altar Guild Nancy Kepler, Monica & Kathy Shambaugh Coffee Hosts Patty Clown Horse, Cindy Dickinson Flowers Cheri & Dan Witko In memory of their parents Upcoming Events at St. Francis: Lectionary Study and Compline, Tuesday 2pm, Library Evening Prayer on Zoom, Wednesday @ 6pm Men’s Bible Study Thursday, 8am Greening of the Church, December 15, following Worship Red Kettle Campaign, volunteers needed Fri. & Sat., December 20-21
Christmas at St. Matthew’s, in Alliance with Christmas Eve 11pm and Christmas Day 10am ![]() ~There will be no enews published December 26. ~Church offices will be closed Tuesday and Wednesday, December 25 and 26, as well as Wednesday, January 1. These changes are due to the Christmas and New Year’s holidays, respectively. ![]() Birthdays Beth McKibbin December 4 Chesney Joplin December 8 Lori Peterson December 11 Richard Schaneman December 11 Ryley Collins December 12 Ian Mills December 13 Anniversaries Mardell & Trudy Schnell December 6 Amy & Michelle Anderson-Saenz December 12 ![]() It’s time for our Annual ECW Christmas Cookie Exchange on Saturday, December 7th, at 10 AM to fill tins for shut-ins the Parish Hall. Each person is asked to bring 3 dozen cookies to share. That will leave 2 dozen for each of us after the tins for shut-ins are filled. ECW will provide the shut-in’s tins. Bring an empty container for yourself. Refreshments will be served. Come join us for some holiday fellowship! Call Barb at 436-7767 if you have questions. Prayer Requests *If you want your request printed in the bulletin, please make sure it's received by Tuesday. You may call (308) 632-4626 (leave a message) or email [email protected]. The Forward Day by Day’s for November-January are here in regular and large print. If you’d like one of these mailed to you, please email or call the church. ___________________________________________________________________________
Holiday Bits & Beverages Bazaar 1st Saturday of December – the 7th 9 am – 1 pm Hosted by Mitchell United Women in Faith at Vine Mitchell UMC, 1845 Broadway featuring: Cookie Sale Bake Sale Christmas room Crafts Soup: Chili, Chicken Noodle, Ham and Bean, Chicken Jalapeno, Vegetable Beef, and Potato Cheese Thursday Announcements-November 21, 2024 ERIN’S EPISTLETTES
We are hosting a “Farewell Reception” during coffee hour on December 1st for Mother Karen Anderson. She is moving to Lincoln, NE. A basket for cards will be available. Please join us in honoring Mother Karen! ![]() Those who serve, this week November 24 9am Musician Barb Becker Media Team Steve Trickler Ushers Cindy Dickinson, Artie Johnson Acolyte Master Clark Wisniewski Acolytes Charlie Selzer, Elliot Selzer Lector/Intercessor Jim Petitt Eucharistic Minister Jan Johnson Altar Guild Barb Manasek, Cindy Dickinson, Christy Anderson Coffee Hosts Judi Widmaier, Barb Manasek Upcoming Events at St. Francis: Lectionary Study and Compline, Tuesday 2pm, Library No Midweek Service, this Wednesday @ 6pm No Men’s Bible Study Thanksgiving Day ~There will be no enews published November 28. ~Church offices will be closed Wednesday, November 27 and Thursday, November 28. From the Office—Ann’s Announcements ![]() Happy Thanksgiving! Birthdays Tosh Nanbara November 27 Vicky Gable November 28 The Daughters of the King are sponsoring a Ministry Fair Sunday, November 24. It will be held during coffee hour. Representatives of various organizations and ministries at St. Francis will be available to visit with you about their activities. Participation in these ministries not only strengthens our parish, but your faith and personal growth. Please join us and discover YOUR place at St. Francis.
Holiday Bits & Beverages Bazaar
1st Saturday of December – the 7th 9 am – 1 pm Hosted by Mitchell United Women in Faith At Vine Mitchell UMC, 1845 Broadway featuring: Cookie Sale; Bake Sale; Christmas room; Crafts Soup: Chili, Chicken Noodle, Ham and Bean, Chicken Jalapeno, Vegetable Beef, and Potato Cheese Prayer Requests *If you want your request printed in the bulletin, please make sure it's received by Tuesday. You may call (308) 632-4626 (leave a message) or email [email protected]. The Forward Day by Day’s for November-January are here in regular and large print. If you’d like one of these mailed to you, please email or call the church. Thursday Announcements-November 14, 2024 ERIN’S EPISTLETTES As this upcoming Sunday is the third Sunday of the month, the loose offering will go towards the Rector's Discretionary Fund. Halloween Party 2024 ![]() Those who serve, this week November 17 9am Musician Barb Becker Media Team Charlie Kennedy Ushers Alena Kennedy, Judi Widmaier Acolyte Master Clark Wisniewski Acolytes Allie Cawiezel, Erin Cawiezel Lector/Intercessor Jane Sayre Eucharistic Minister Nancy Kepler Altar Guild Barb Manasek, Cindy Dickinson, Christy Anderson Coffee Hosts Karen Larson, Ann Peterson Upcoming Events at St. Francis: Lectionary Study and Compline, Tuesday 2pm, Library Vestry Meeting, Tuesday November 19 @ 6pm Evening Prayer on Zoom, Wednesday @ 6pm Men’s Bible Study Thursday, 8am ~There will be no enews published November 28. ~Church offices will be closed Wednesday, November 27 and Thursday, November 28. Both of these changes are due to the Thanksgiving holiday. ![]() From the Office—Ann’s Announcements Birthdays Linda Mitchell November 18 Ralph Moreno November 18 Gail Burbach November 21 The Daughters of the King are sponsoring a Ministry Fair Sunday, November 24. It will be held during coffee hour. Representatives of various organizations and ministries at St. Francis will be available to visit with you about their activities. Participation in these ministries not only strengthens our parish, but your faith and personal growth. Please join us and discover YOUR place at St. Francis. Prayer Requests *If you want your request printed in the bulletin, please make sure it's received by Tuesday. You may call (308) 632-4626 (leave a message) or email [email protected]. The Forward Day by Day’s for November-January are here in regular and large print. If you’d like one of these mailed to you, please email or call the church. |
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February 2025