Thursday Announcements-January 2, 2025 ERIN’S EPISTLETTES
Recent Worship Engagement Trends October month-end average: 50 November month-end average: 57 December month-end average: 53* (61 including Christmas) Christmas Eve Attendance (both services): 103 October-December Lowest Sunday: 34 (10/13) October-December Highest Sunday (Excluding Christmas): 72 (10/27) 2024 Year-Long Average (Including Christmas & Easter): 61 (53 excluding both) Lowest Sunday of 2024: 34 (10/13) Highest Sunday of 2024 (Excluding Christmas & Easter): 90 (05/12) _____________________________________________________________ The Laundry of Love mission is a monthly service provided by three area churches. Saint Francis provides this service once every three months (March, June, September, and December) from 12:00-2:00 p.m. on the third Sunday of the month at the East Overland laundromat. In 2 hours, the mission serves approximately 12 individuals/families. The church donates an average of $150 at each mission. Thank you to Jane Sayre, Janet Craven, and the Schingle family members who have volunteered their time and resources to help with this wonderful community outreach. _____________________________________________________________ Those who serve, this week January 12, 2025, 9am Musician Barb Becker Media Team Jack Schaaf Ushers Artie Johnson, Sarah Schaaf Acolyte Master Clark Wisniewski Acolytes Emma Schaaf, Will Schaaf Lector/Intercessor Barb Manasek Eucharistic Minister Jan Johnson Altar Guild Nancy Kepler, Monica & Kathy Shambaugh Coffee Hosts Judi Widmaier, Beth McKibbin Flowers: Cory & Gretchen Foster In memory of Cory’s mother, Vlasta Foster Joyce Walsh In memory of Duane Walsh Upcoming Events at St. Francis: Lectionary Study and Compline, Tuesday 2pm, Library In Person Eucharist, Mary Chapel,Wednesday @ 6pm Men’s Bible Study Thursday, 8am Discipleship Group. Thursday @ 12pm Diocesan EFM Book Study, January 15th @ 6pm on Zoom
Thursday Announcements-December 12, 2024 ERIN’S EPISTLETTES Helping those in need is the primary purpose of the rector's discretionary fund. Regularly, low-income folks stop by church offices to request such assistance. Last year, the vestry approved a policy to guide disbursement of those funds in a way that is fair and encourages active partnership with local agencies already offering an array of services and assistance. Because the policy sets clear boundaries, we sometimes say "no" to requests. In most cases, those requesters are referred to another agency. Occasionally, those in need solicit parishioners directly. I ask that you do not, under any circumstances, hand out cash. However well-intentioned, this undermines the goals of our new disbursement policy. If anyone solicits you, whatever the reason given, please refer them to me rather than giving cash. ~Rev. Erin+ We've been invited to partner with our Boy Scout troop as we volunteer for the red kettle campaign Friday-Saturday, December 20-21. Though this is a program of the Salvation Army, ninety percent of the funds help families in need in our valley. Our time is divided into half hour slots. You're welcome to bring a chair if you're more comfortable sitting. Costumes are encouraged but optional. The following time slots are still available: Friday, December 20, 6-6:30 Friday, December 20, 6:30-7 Saturday, December 21, 12:30-1 Saturday, December 21, 2-2:30 Saturday, December 21, 2:30-3 Saturday, December 21, 3-3:30 Saturday, December 21, 3:30-4 If you're interested in helping with this important project, please contact the front office or click here. Many thanks to those who already signed up! Blue Christmas Saint Francis is again co-sponsoring Blue Christmas. This service takes place on the longest night of the year. It's a time and space to honor those who are grieving, suffering which is often amplified by the hyped up, superficial joy of secular Christmas in the surrounding culture. This year's local gathering will take place at Calvary Lutheran, 17 E 27th St in Scottsbluff on Saturday, December 21 at 5:30 p.m. Those actively grieving as well as those wishing to support those who are grieving are welcome. Christmas Eve & Christmas Day Worship Saint Francis, 14 E 20th St, Scottsbluff Advent IV: Sunday, December 22 at 9 a.m. Christmas Eve: Tuesday, December 24 at 5:30 p.m. and 8:30 p.m. The 5:30 service will be livestreamed on our Facebook page; incense will be used at 8:30 p.m. There is no service Christmas Day. Saint Matthew's, 312 W 16th St, Alliance Christmas Eve: Tuesday, December 24 at 11 p.m. Christmas Day: Wednesday, December 25 at 10 a.m. The 11 p.m. Christmas Eve service will be livestreamed ![]() ~There will be no enews published December 26. ~Church offices will be closed Tuesday and Wednesday, December 25 and 26, as well as Wednesday, January 1. These changes are due to the Christmas and New Year’s holidays, respectively. Those who serve, this week December 15, 9am Musician Barb Becker Media Team Jack Schaaf Ushers Karen Mecklem, Judi Widmaier Acolyte Master Clark Wisniewski Acolytes Emma Schaaf, Will Schaaf Lector/Intercessor Ann Peterson Eucharistic Minister Jane Sayre Altar Guild Nancy Kepler, Monica & Kathy Shambaugh Coffee Hosts Connie Schingle, Stephanie Schingle Flowers Robert & Barb Manasek In memory of their parents Upcoming Events at St. Francis: As this Sunday is the third Sunday of the month, the loose offering will go towards the Rector's Discretionary Fund. Lectionary Study and Compline, Tuesday 2pm, Library Evening Prayer on Zoom, Wednesday @ 6pm Men’s Bible Study Thursday, 8am Greening of the Church, TODAY, December 15, following Worship
Christmas at St. Matthew’s, in Alliance with Christmas Eve 11pm and Christmas Day 10am From the Office—Ann’s Announcements ![]() Birthdays Rick Gable December 15 Don Kepler December 15 Steve Trickler December 17 Anniversaries Lynn Okicki & Mary Kay Versen December 21 Prayer Requests Prayer requests need to be received by Tuesday, if you’d like them to be printed in the bulletin. You may call (308) 632-4626 (leave a message) or email [email protected]. The Forward Day by Day’s for November-January are available in regular and large print. If you’d like either of these mailed to you, please email us or call the church office. |
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February 2025