Pastoral Care
The clergy, staff, and laity of St. Francis are deeply committed to providing comfort, prayer, companionship, pastoral counseling, and sacraments as part of an overall integrated pastoral care program.
When a pastoral need arises, the first thing to do is call the office at 308-632-4626 and let our staff know what the need is. You can be as specific or as general as you like, but the request can best be handled if we know what is needed and when. In that way, the request can be forwarded to the right person.
Our Rector will normally visit, pray with, anoint, and counsel parishioners who are in need. They will make regular contact with those who are hospitalized, home bound, or those in care facilities. In addition to our Rector Mo. Karen and Fr. Bob also provide pastoral visitation and sacramental services.
St. Francis has trained lay pastoral caregivers who volunteer their time to visit parishioners. In some cases, the lay pastoral caregivers will be the primary or most frequent pastoral presence, but clergy will always be informed and regularly involved.
Sacraments in Pastoral Care
The sacrament of Holy Communion is available to those we wish it, and will be provided by a priest or, from reserved sacrament, laity.
The sacrament of Penitence (or Reconciliation) and the sacrament of Unction (anointing for healing) are available from the Rector or Assisting Priest upon request.
When a pastoral need arises, the first thing to do is call the office at 308-632-4626 and let our staff know what the need is. You can be as specific or as general as you like, but the request can best be handled if we know what is needed and when. In that way, the request can be forwarded to the right person.
Our Rector will normally visit, pray with, anoint, and counsel parishioners who are in need. They will make regular contact with those who are hospitalized, home bound, or those in care facilities. In addition to our Rector Mo. Karen and Fr. Bob also provide pastoral visitation and sacramental services.
St. Francis has trained lay pastoral caregivers who volunteer their time to visit parishioners. In some cases, the lay pastoral caregivers will be the primary or most frequent pastoral presence, but clergy will always be informed and regularly involved.
Sacraments in Pastoral Care
The sacrament of Holy Communion is available to those we wish it, and will be provided by a priest or, from reserved sacrament, laity.
The sacrament of Penitence (or Reconciliation) and the sacrament of Unction (anointing for healing) are available from the Rector or Assisting Priest upon request.