Preach the Gospel at all times and when necessary use words.
~St. Francis of Assisi
Following the leadership of our clergy, the people of St. Francis take very seriously the charge to be the hands of Jesus in our broken and hungry world.
Members of the congregation are active in the life of our community serving on a variety of boards including the school district, hospital, YMCA, and Cooperative ministry Council, to name a few. Others are active as volunteers for Habitat for Humanity, The Doves shelter, Cert, Lakota Lutheran Center, and a wide variety of service clubs. This year Our EBay selling site known as “Prairied Treasures” sold donated items and gave $1,000 to the Local Youth Shelter, $500 to the Humane Society, and $500 to Doves.
Members of the congregation are active in the life of our community serving on a variety of boards including the school district, hospital, YMCA, and Cooperative ministry Council, to name a few. Others are active as volunteers for Habitat for Humanity, The Doves shelter, Cert, Lakota Lutheran Center, and a wide variety of service clubs. This year Our EBay selling site known as “Prairied Treasures” sold donated items and gave $1,000 to the Local Youth Shelter, $500 to the Humane Society, and $500 to Doves.
Wednesday Sack Lunch Ministry

We partner with First United Methodist Church with distributing sack lunches on Wednesday's.
Each lunch includes a sandwich, chip, fruit, dessert and a water. St. Francis distributes them
on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday from 12:00pm to 1:00pm each month. First United Methodist
Church distributes the lunches on the 1st and the 3rd Wednesday of the month. Rain, snow
or sunshine we will be out on 20th Street handing out the brown bags.
Our volunteers include Shoppers, Packers and Distributors.
If you need a lunch or a couple of lunches get there early, they lunches go fast!
If you would like to volunteer, contact Gina at church office by phone or email to sign up.
Each lunch includes a sandwich, chip, fruit, dessert and a water. St. Francis distributes them
on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday from 12:00pm to 1:00pm each month. First United Methodist
Church distributes the lunches on the 1st and the 3rd Wednesday of the month. Rain, snow
or sunshine we will be out on 20th Street handing out the brown bags.
Our volunteers include Shoppers, Packers and Distributors.
If you need a lunch or a couple of lunches get there early, they lunches go fast!
If you would like to volunteer, contact Gina at church office by phone or email to sign up.
“Start by doing what is necessary; then do what’s possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible."
~St. Francis of Assissi
Soup Kitchen
Our parish participates in the local Soup Kitchen, and we are responsible for providing food and service on the last Thursday in months with five Thursdays. You can participate by contributing to the food fund or by helping prepare, serve, and clean up after the meal. Our meals are prepared in our kitchen and served across the street at First Presbyterian Church.