Thursday Announcements-From the Vestry August 4, 2022 1). Canon Easton will be coming to St. Francis for our service on August 21st. On this date the vestry will recognize Father Bob and Mother Karen for all their work in keeping St. Francis alive and well and the search committee will be recognized for their work. Please put this date on your calendar as we will celebrate with cake and fruit after the 9:00 am service. What a great way to celebrate with all our church family. 2). Please continue to offer prayers for our new rector as she prepares to make the move from South Dakota to the GOOD LIFE of Nebraska, and our St. Francis parish. Lord, please encourage Rev. Erin Rath by the power of your Holy Spirit. Let her soul be refreshed with the love of Christ. Let her have faith for the future. Help her to keep pressing forward even when the way is not so clearly defined. Let her be refreshed by the fact that your grace is sufficient for her. In Christ’s name we pray. AMEN 3). 100 years of services at our church, St. Francis, will be celebrated later this year. You can look forward to information and photos being shared in the coming months. December 24, 1922, was the first church service at our current location. The church has lots of memories to share!!! 4) Office Hours – Ann will be in the office between 9:00AM and 1:00PM on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. Father Bob will be in the office on Wednesday, August 10 from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm. The office phone will be manned outside of these hours when the office is closed. 5) Some levity to share (because who couldn't use a good laugh these days?): Three friends from the local congregation were asked, "When you're in your casket, and friends and congregation members are mourning over you, what would you like them to say? Artie said, " I would like them to say I was a wonderful husband, a fine spiritual leader, and a great family man." Merle said: "I would like them to say I was a wonderful teacher and servant of God who made a huge difference in people’s lives." Don said, "I'd like them to say, 'Look! He's moving!'" From the office--Ann’s Announcements The 2022 Old West Balloon Fest Happy Balloon Weekend!! August 10th-13th Birthdays
Collette Suhr August 9 Ryan Hergenreder August 10 Jersey Joplin August 10 Shirley Mead August 10 Diane Morrison August 11 Anniversaries Justin & Jenny Bohl August 10 Sunday School, Pre-Teen Bible Study, and Godly Play will not meet until September. We will keep you posted when these services resume. Prayer Requests * Please make sure your request is received by Wednesday of each week. You may call (308) 632-4626 (leave a message), email [email protected] or mail to: St. Francis Episcopal Church P.O. Box 1201 Scottsbluff, NE 69361 Forward Day by Day Booklets We have the Forward Day by Day’s for August-September in regular and large print. If you’d like one of these mailed to you, please email or call the church. Thursday Announcements-From the Vestry July 28, 2022 1). Canon Easton will be coming to St. Francis for our service on August 21st. On this date the vestry will recognize Father Bob and Mother Karen for all their work in keeping St. Francis alive and well and the search committee will be recognized for their work. Please put this date on your calendar as we are thinking a brunch after the 9:00 am service would be a great way to celebrate with all of our church family. 2). Please continue to offer prayers for our new rector as she prepares to make the move from South Dakota to the GOOD LIFE of Nebraska, and our St. Francis parish. Lord, please encourage Rev. Erin Rath by the power of your Holy Spirit. Let her soul be refreshed with the love of Christ. Let her have faith for the future. Help her to keep pressing forward even when the way is not so clearly defined. Let her be refreshed by the fact that your grace is sufficient for her. In Christ’s name we pray. AMEN 3). 100 years of services at our church, St. Francis, will be celebrated later this year. You can look forward to information and photos being shared in the coming months. December 24, 1922 was the first church service at our current location. The church has lots of memories to share!!! 4) Office Hours – Ann will be in the office between 9:00AM and 1:00PM on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. Father Bob will be in the office on Wednesday, August 3 from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm. The office phone will be manned outside of these hours when the office is closed. 5) Some levity to share (because who couldn't use a good laugh these days?): One day the devil challenged God to a baseball game. Smiling, God proclaimed, “You don’t have a chance. I’ve got Babe Ruth, Mickey Mantle and all the greatest players up here.” “Yes,” laughed the devil, “but I have all the empires.” COVID positive cases have hit our church family. Please take care of yourself and your family. Masks are always an option at church. From the office--Ann’s Announcements Birthdays Judi Widmaier July 31 Leticia Schnell August 1 Justin Bohl August 2 Jim Calder August 4 Ayita Gomez August 5 Anniversaries Jim & Suzi Calder August 1 Ralph & Melissa Moreno August 1 Phil & Colleen Kelly August 5 If you have not served as a coffee host and would like to share some delicious treats after the 9am service, please let Barb Manasek know at 436-7767. You would serve with another person who would show you how to use the coffeemaker. Sunday School, Pre-Teen Bible Study, and Godly Play will not meet until September. We will keep you posted when these services resume. Prayer Requests ** Please make sure your request is received by Wednesday of each week. You may call (308) 632-4626 (leave a message), email [email protected] or mail to: St. Francis Episcopal Church P.O. Box 1201 Scottsbluff, NE 69361 Forward Day by Day Booklets We’ve got the Forward Day by Day’s for August-September in regular and large print. If you’d like one of these mailed to you, please email or call the church. Thursday Announcements July 21, 2022 From the Vestry 1). Well, the paperwork is signed, and Reverend Erin Rath will be moving to Scottsbluff around August 15th with a start date at St. Francis on Tuesday, August 30th. Mother Erin’s letter to the parish will be sent via email and through the mail for those who do not have email. Please keep an eye out for this letter. 2). Canon Easton will be coming to St. Francis for our service on August 21st. On this date the vestry will recognize Father Bob and Mother Karen for all their work in keeping St. Francis alive and well and the search committee will be recognized for their work. 3). We will have our 3rd Vestry meeting of the summer on Sunday, July 24th, starting at 10:15. 4). Please continue to offer prayers for our new rector, and our St. Francis parish. We should all feel blessed to have found someone who wanted to continue their faith journey with us at St. Francis, especially when so many churches are waiting for a rector they can call their own. 5) Office Hours – Ann will be in the office between 9:00AM and 1:00PM on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. Father Bob will be in the office on Wednesday, July 27 from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm. The office phone will be manned outside of these hours when the office is closed. 6) Some levity to share (because who couldn't use a good laugh these days?): A businessman ordered flowers to be sent to the opening of his friend’s new branch office. When the businessman got there, he was shocked to see the flowers with the inscription. “Rest In Peace.” He was so outraged that he stopped at the florist to complain. “It could be worse,” the florist said, “Just think: Today someone was buried beneath a floral arrangement with the inscription. ‘Congratulations on Your New Location!’ ” From the office--Ann’s Announcements Be Cool ;) Birthdays
Sarah Williams July 26 Steve Shaw July 28 Alyson Anderson-Saenz July 29 Judi Widmaier July 31 Anniversaries Chris & Jane Kelley July 30 If you have not served as a coffee host and would like to share some delicious treats after the 9am service, please let Barb Manasek know at 436-7767. You would serve with another person who would show you how to use the coffeemaker. Sunday School, Pre-Teen Bible Study, and Godly Play will not meet until next September. We will keep you posted when these services resume. Prayer Requests ** Please make sure your request is received by Wednesday of each week. You may call (308) 632-4626 (leave a message), email [email protected] or mail to: St. Francis Episcopal Church P.O. Box 1201 Scottsbluff, NE 69361 Forward Day by Day Booklets We also just got in the Forward Day by Day’s for August-September in regular and large print. If you’d like one of these mailed to you, please email or call the church. Thursday Announcements July 14, 2022 From the Vestry 1). Here we are…the middle of July…in a month we will be gearing up for back to school. Thanks to all of you who continue to support St. Francis through our transition to a new Rector. 2) Just a cautionary reminder that COVID cases are on the rise again in our area. Please do what you need to do to keep you and your family safe. We love to have all in-person at services but totally understand if you want to watch remotely. 3) Office Hours – Ann will be in the office between 9:00AM and 1:00 PM on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. Father Bob will be in the office on Wednesday, July 20 from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm. The office phone will be manned outside of these hours when the office is closed. 4). Our parish will celebrate 100 years of existence later this year. Look for upcoming ways to partake in this celebration. 5) Please continue to offer prayers for our search committee and those who have been called as a possible rector for our church. We can never have too many prayers!!! 6) Some levity to share (because who couldn't use a good laugh these days?): Mrs. Smartt was fumbling in her purse for her offering when a large television remote fell out and clattered into the aisle. The curious usher bent over to retrieve it for her and whispered, “Do you always carry your TV remote to church?”“ No,” she replied, “but my husband refused to come with me this morning, and I figured this was the most evil thing I could do to him legally.” From the office--Ann’s Announcements Thank you, Bill Mann for working in this heat to clean up the South Side of our driveway!!! It looks much better. Birthdays
Matt Anderson July 17 Dael Hendren July 17 Trudy Schnell July 19 Velysia Gomez July 21 Gary Larson July 22 Ashton Tuscon July 22 Anniversaries Don & Kathy Graham July 18 Johnny & Jamie Selzer July 20 Kevin & Monica Lehr July 23 If you have not served as a coffee host and would like to share some delicious treats after the 9am service, please let Barb Manasek know at 436-7767. You would serve with another person who would show you how to use the coffeemaker. Sunday School, Pre-Teen Bible Study, and Godly Play will not meet until next September. We will keep you posted when these services resume. Prayer Requests ** Please make sure your request is received by Wednesday of each week. You may call (308) 632-4626 (leave a message), email [email protected] or mail to: St. Francis Episcopal Church P.O. Box 1201 Scottsbluff, NE 69361 Forward Day by Day Booklets We also just got in the Forward Day by Day’s for August-September in regular and large print. If you’d like one of these mailed to you, please email or call the church. |
Rev. Erin RathCheck in here for weekly announcements. Archives
February 2025