Dear People of Saint Francis,
As hard as it is for me to believe, summer has passed and October is upon us! This month will be a time of reflection on the meaning of worship at our parish. There are two ways you can participate. First is the worship survey. It's now available online. Click here to access it. Paper copies will be available at church beginning Sunday, October 2. If you would like one mailed to you, let Ann in the front office know. ([email protected] or 308-632-4626) The survey will be available until Thursday, October 20. Please return paper copies to the office by that date. Second is a discussion on the meaning of worship. This will take place during coffee hour on Sunday, October 9. Please mark your calendars. Please let friends who are not on email (or who don't check it regularly) know about these opportunities for reflection and discernment. And thank you in advance for your participation. Many Thanks, Erin+ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX the Rev. Erin Rath ~ Rector Saint Francis Episcopal Church 14 E. 20th St ~ Scottsbluff, NE (308) 632-4626 ~ Thursday Announcements September 29, 2022 ERIN’S EPISTLETTES
From the office--Ann’s Announcements Happy Fall Y’all!!! Just a reminder that this Sunday is “Jingle money Sunday” for the children’s outreach project!!! Birthdays
Alena Kennedy October 2 Johnny Selzer October 2 Allie Cawiezel October 4 Shawn Hergenrader October 5 Chris Kelley October 5 Lucretia Green October 6 Curt Mecklem October 8 Anniversaries Ann & Ron Salomon October 2 Monica & Kathy Shambaugh October 4 Jennifer & Keith Mills October 6 Melissa Iron Cloud October 7 Please take a moment to fill out a name tag in the Narthax Let’s help Rev. Erin get to know us!! Name tag holders and their inserts are available for you now, in the basket in the Narthax. You may leave the tags here on the bulletin board or bring them back for continued use over the next few months. Pizza Party with Rev Erin and Acolytes When: Sunday October 16th @ 4:00 PM-5:30PM Where: St Francis Parish Hall Why: Rev. Erin wants to get to know the acolytes and a chance for our young altar servers to get to know one another. We are planning to have pizza and ice cream floats. We will play some games and have fun getting to know one another. Pre-early teen Sunday School class will resume on Sunday, October 2nd at it’s new time following the 9am worship service. The 11-14 year-old students will take their snacks upstairs to the Godly play classroom for a 30-40 minute class. Thank you, Peggy Wymore Our “Godly Play” class includes 5-10 yrs. Our preteen/early Teen Bible Study will include 11-15 year olds. If your family is new to the church or has not be in church for the past year, please call the church office at 632-4626 Ext. 3, to help us place your child in the right class. Parents are welcome at anytime to attend your child’s Sunday School class and observe. Attention all Acolytes: For the next several Sundays, we will be taking measurements for new acolyte robes, immediately after the service. Measurements will be done in the acolyte robing room. If you are currently an acolyte or interested in becoming an acolyte—please come and get measured for a new robe! Thanks! Clark Wisniewski Acolyte Master Prayer Requests * Please make sure your request is received by Wednesday of each week. You may call (308) 632-4626 (leave a message), email [email protected] or mail to: St. Francis Episcopal Church P.O. Box 1201 Scottsbluff, NE 69361 Forward Day by Day Booklets We have the Forward Day by Day’s for September-October in regular and large print. If you’d like one of these mailed to you, please email or call the church. Thursday Announcements September 22, 2022 FROM REV. ERIN Centering Prayer: A Life Practice With Br. James Dowd, OSB Monk-in-residence, Episcopal Diocese of Nebraska Prior of Incarnation Monastery Dear People of Saint Francis, This week, I have a hodgepodge of announcements and information to share with you.
Blessings, Erin+ From the office--Ann’s Announcements Birthdays
Jessica Collins September 29 Pati McLellan October 1 James Nielsen October 1 Please take a moment to fill out a name tag in the Narthax Let’s help Rev. Erin get to know us!! Name tag holders and their inserts are available for you now, in the basket in the Narthax. You may leave the tags here on the bulletin board or bring them back for continued use over the next few months. There will be no pre-early teen Sunday School class this Sunday the 25th. It will resume on the following Sunday, October 2nd at it’s new time following the 9am worship service. The 11-14 year-old students will take their snacks upstairs to the Godly play classroom for a 30-40 minute class. Thank you, Peggy Wymore Sunday School classes started Sunday, September 11th. Our “Godly Play” class includes 5-10 yrs. Our preteen/early Teen Bible Study will include 11-15 year olds. If your family is new to the church or has not be in church for the past year, please call the church office at 632-4626 Ext. 3, to help us place your child in the right class. Parents are welcome at anytime to attend your child’s Sunday School class and observe. The Daughters of the King will be collecting personal hygiene items, Sunday, September 25. Items include toothpaste, toothbrushes, deodorant, etc. We have identified a number of organizations that distribute these to people in need and we will be donating to them on a rotating basis. The items collected next Sunday will be added to those we collected earlier for the Foster Closet which is now closed. Please place your donations in the laundry basket in the narthex. Attention all Acolytes: For the next several Sundays, we will be taking measurements for new acolyte robes, immediately after the service. Measurements will be done in the acolyte robing room. If you are currently an acolyte or interested in becoming an acolyte—please come and get measured for a new robe! Thanks! Clark Wisniewski Acolyte Master Prayer Requests * Please make sure your request is received by Wednesday of each week. You may call (308) 632-4626 (leave a message), email [email protected] or mail to: St. Francis Episcopal Church P.O. Box 1201 Scottsbluff, NE 69361 Forward Day by Day Booklets We have the Forward Day by Day’s for September-October in regular and large print. If you’d like one of these mailed to you, please email or call the church. Thursday Announcements September 15, 2022 FROM REV. ERIN Dear People of Saint Francis, Earlier this week, we held our first vestry meeting since my arrival. Among the topics of discussion was the possibility of resuming two worship services. I've heard voices on both sides of the issue. Many expressed appreciation for the opportunity to connect with others they wouldn't normally see on a Sunday morning. Others expressed a desire to return to old patterns and practices. In order to reflect more fully on questions related to worship, I plan to take a two-fold approach over the course of several months. The first component will be a written survey. The second component will be a series of discussion questions. My hope is that these two approaches will give every voice the opportunity to be heard and every heart the opportunity to reflect on the meaning of worship. The survey and discussion questions will be developed this month. The survey will be available beginning in early October and discussion sessions will be held later that month. Our discussions will likely take place during coffee hour following Sunday worship; however, if there is enough interest I'm willing to host an evening session as well. All information will be thoughtfully reviewed. I hope to share the results, as well as any scheduling changes, by early November. This will give us time to communicate those changes to different constituencies and allow groups impacted by those changes to plan for their program needs. As in all things, I commend our parish family and this discernment process to your prayers. Many Thanks, Erin+ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX From the office--Ann’s Announcements Birthdays
Bill Mann September 19 Margaret Pepper September 20 Jeane Anderson September 21 Amy Wisniewski September 23 Greg Suhr September 24 Please take a moment to fill out a name tag in the Narthax Let’s help Rev. Erin get to know us!! Name tag holders and their inserts are available for you now, in the basket in the Narthax. You may leave the tags here on the bulletin board or bring them back for continued use over the next few months. Sunday School classes have started as of Sunday, September 11th. Our “Godly Play” class includes 5-10 yrs. Our preteen/early Teen Bible Study will include 11-15 year olds. If your family is new to the church or has not be in church for the past year, please call the church office at 632-4626 Ext. 3, to help us place your child in the right class. Parents are welcome at anytime to attend your child’s Sunday School class and observe. Attention all Acolytes: For the next several Sundays, we will be taking measurements for new acolyte robes, immediately after the service. Measurements will be done in the acolyte robing room. If you are currently an acolyte or interested in becoming an acolyte—please come and get measured for a new robe! Thanks! Clark Wisniewski Acolyte Master Prayer Requests * Please make sure your request is received by Wednesday of each week. You may call (308) 632-4626 (leave a message), email [email protected] or mail to: St. Francis Episcopal Church P.O. Box 1201 Scottsbluff, NE 69361 Forward Day by Day Booklets We have the Forward Day by Day’s for August-September in regular and large print. If you’d like one of these mailed to you, please email or call the church. Thursday Announcements September 8, 2022 FROM REV. ERIN Dear Friends, It's been a whirlwind but wonderful first week at Saint Francis! Thank you to everyone who's taken the time to introduce yourselves and the many offers to help orient me to your parish and the wider community. I look forward to serving with you and hearing more about your journey. Several weeks ago, a wise friend asked what I was most excited about as I prepared to move west. After a little thought, I said it was getting to know the people of Saint Francis. As a general rule, I'll be in the office Monday through Thursdays, though I can meet any time or place that is convenient for you. I'm happy to meet you anywhere -- your home, a park, an ice cream or coffee shop, even at the Bluffs! I encourage you to reach out any time. If there's a pastoral emergency, particularly outside regular business hours, please call rather than text. (I've learned through experience it's too easy to miss a text.) That number is xxx-xxx-xxxx (please reach out to the front office for my contact information). If you have an upcoming surgery or friend in the parish who is ill or in the hospital, please let me or Annie in the front office know so timely pastoral care can be offered. Finally, a bit of church business. Fall is upon us, which means it will soon be time for Annual Council. This year, we'll gather in Kearney from October 27-29. More information is available here. If you have any questions or are interested in serving as a delegate, please let me know. Many Thanks, Erin+ From the office--Ann’s Announcements Birthdays
Noah Moreno September 11 Ralph Anderson September 12 Greg Petersen September 12 Wanda Mueller September 13 Emma Hergenreder September 15 Hannah Schillereff September 16 Please take a moment to fill out a name tag in the Narthax Let’s help Rev. Erin get to know us!! Name tag holders and their inserts are available for you now, in the basket in the Narthax. You may leave the tags here on the bulletin board or bring them back for continued use over the next few months. Sunday School classes are beginning on Sunday, September 11th. Our “Godly Play” class includes 5-10 yrs. Our preteen/early Teen Bible Study will include 11-15 year olds. If your family is new to the church or has not be in church for the past year, please call the church office at 632-4626 Ext. 3, to help us place your child in the right class. Parents are welcome at anytime to attend your child’s Sunday School class and observe. Prayer Requests * Please make sure your request is received by Wednesday of each week. You may call (308) 632-4626 (leave a message), email [email protected] or mail to: St. Francis Episcopal Church P.O. Box 1201 Scottsbluff, NE 69361 Forward Day by Day Booklets We have the Forward Day by Day’s for August-September in regular and large print. If you’d like one of these mailed to you, please email or call the church. |
Rev. Erin RathCheck in here for weekly announcements. Archives
February 2025