Thursday Announcements-November 7, 2024 ERIN’S ANNOUNCEMENTS
Recent Worship Engagement Trends August month-end average: 60 September month-end average: 50 October month-end average: 50 ![]() Those who Serve-- Sunday, November 10 9am Musician Barb Becker Media Team Steve Trickler Ushers Connie & Mike Schingle Acolyte Master Clark Wisniewski Acolytes Madi Collins, OPEN Lector/Intercessor Clark Wisniewski Eucharistic Minister Jane Sayre Altar Guild Barb Manasek, Cindy Dickinson, Christy Anderson Coffee Hosts Collette Suhr, Beth McKibbin Upcoming Events at St. Francis: Lectionary Study and Compline, Tuesday 2pm, Library Evening Prayer on Zoom, Wednesday @ 6pm Men’s Bible Study Thursday, 8am Ministry Fair Sunday November 24 during coffee hour Office closed for Thanksgiving, Wed. & Thurs. November 27th and 28th From the Office--Ann’s Announcements
Thursday Announcements-September 5, 2024 ERIN’S ANNOUNCEMENTS St. Francis will return to one service Sundays at 9 a.m. beginning this Sunday, September 8. We're putting the finishing touches on our updated directory. Each entry will include your name, your spouse's name and the names of any children living at home, as well as the following pieces of information (assuming they are on file in the front office): your photo, your mailing address, your cell and home phones, and an email address for all adults in the household. If you prefer any of this information not be included in the directory, please let the front office know no later than September 30. Riverside Discovery Center is looking for individuals and families to provide carved pumpkins for their Halloween event in early October! Please let Rev. Erin know if you're interested in participating in this fun community event, so we can let the organizers know how many pumpkins to expect. Two-Service Pilot: Worship Engagement Pilot Length: 22 Weeks Total Services Offered: 44 Early Service Average: 23 Midmorning Service Average: 42 Running Average Inclusive of All Sundays: 66 Running Average Excluding 4 Sundays w/Lowest Attendance: 71 August 2024 Averages Early Service: 20 Mid-Morning Service: 40 Both Services: 60 vs. August 2023: 59 July 2024 Average Early Service: 22 Mid-Morning Service: 36 Both Services: 58 vs. June 2023: 46 June 2024 Average Early Service: 20 Mid-Morning Service: 39 Both Services: 58 vs. June 2023: 58 May 2024 Average Early Service: 24 Mid-Morning Service: 46 Both Services: 70 vs. May 2023: 65 April 2024 Average (inclusive of Easter) Early Service: 28 Mid Morning Service: 46 Both Services: 81 vs. April 2023: 82 The elevator for the downstairs is being repaired today, Sept. 5th! Upcoming Events at St. Francis: Western Deanery Gathering at St. Francis ~ Sat 09/07 @ 9:30a First Session of Godly Play, THIS SUNDAY Gold Sunday, for Childhood Cancer Support, THIS SUNDAY Lectionary Study and Compline, Tuesday 2pm, Library Evening Prayer on Zoom, Wednesday, September 11, 6pm Men’s Bible Study Thursday, 8am ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I want to share with you two wonderful opportunities. Attached, you will find the Light of Hope flyer for this year. Additionally, I've included the movie flyer with showtimes for the film playing at the Midwest Theater, as well as a link to the official trailer. Inspired by the powerful true story, Sound of Hope: The Story of Possum Trot, follows Donna and Reverend Martin as they ignite a fire in the hearts of their rural church to embrace kids in the foster system that nobody else would take. By doing the impossible–adopting 77 children–this East Texas community proved that, with real, determined love, the battle for America’s most vulnerable can be won. Duration: 2 hr 10 min. Show times Friday 6th: 1:30 & 7:00 Saturday 7th: 1:30 & 7:00 Sunday 8th: 1:30 Members: $4 Non-Members: $8 Children 2-12: $4 Flyers in the Narthax. Movie Trailer Light of Hope Event: This event promises to be a meaningful and enriching experience, and we would be thrilled to have your presence there. The flyer contains all the information you need to know. If you would like to attend the Light of Hope dinner, feel free to contact Monica Shambaugh at [email protected] or (308) 641-5374 & she’ll make sure you have a seat. Those who serve, Sunday September 8 9am Musician Nancy Meier Media Team Jack Schaaf Ushers Bill Mann, Jamie Selzer Acolyte Master Clark Wisniewski Acolytes Charlie Selzer, Elliot Selzer Lector/Intercessor Jan Johnson Eucharistic Minister Jane Sayre Altar Guild Collette Suhr, Ann Peterson, Jane Sayre, Dael Cron Coffee Hosts Jeane Anderson, Nancy Kepler Flowers by: Jane Wisniewski, Sarah Williams & Clark, Amy & Catherine Wisniewski In memory of Clark & Mary Lou Williams
Thursday Announcements-August 29, 2024 ERIN’S EPISTLETTES St. Francis will return to one service Sundays at 9 a.m. beginning September 8. Announcements:
For more announcements, please click here. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The elevator for the downstairs is still out of order. The repairman will be here Sept. 5th to fix it! Upcoming Events at St. Francis: Lectionary Study and Compline, Tuesday 2pm, Library In Person Eucharist, Wednesday, September 4, 6pm Men’s Bible Study Thursday, 8am ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ![]() I want to share with you two wonderful opportunities. Attached, you will find the Light of Hope flyer for this year. Additionally, I've included the movie flyer with showtimes for the film playing at the Midwest Theater, as well as a link to the official trailer. Inspired by the powerful true story, Sound of Hope: The Story of Possum Trot, follows Donna and Reverend Martin as they ignite a fire in the hearts of their rural church to embrace kids in the foster system that nobody else would take. By doing the impossible–adopting 77 children–this East Texas community proved that, with real, determined love, the battle for America’s most vulnerable can be won. Duration: 2 hr 10 min. Show times Friday 6th: 1:30 & 7:00 Saturday 7th: 1:30 & 7:00 Sunday 8th: 1:30 Members: $4 Non-Members: $8 Children 2-12: $4 Flyers in the Narthax. Movie Trailer Light of Hope Event: This event promises to be a meaningful and enriching experience, and we would be thrilled to have your presence there. The flyer contains all the information you need to know. If you would like to attend the Light of Hope dinner, feel free to contact Monica Shambaugh at [email protected] or (308) 641-5374 & she’ll make sure you have a seat. COMMUNITY EVENT When September 5th 5pm – 7pm Where Gering Civic Center 1050 M Street, Gering There is a public health crisis unfolding before us that most adults have no idea is happening. Children are seeing extremely violent pornography online in unprecedented numbers . By the age of 12, 1 in 3 kids have already seen hardcore pornography. Violent pornography is the #1 sex educator of children and it’s creating increasing reports of child-on-child sexual assault, vulnerabilities around extortion, exploitation, a rise in strangulation, and a generation of kids who think sexual violence is normal. Research bears out the correlational and causational relationship between porn use and sexual violence, especially as a child’s brain is particularly susceptible to explicit content. This presentation is eye-opening and will infuse you with hope about how we can mitigate the harm being done to our kids online. Those who serve, Sunday September 1 8am 10am Musician Nancy Meier Barb Becker Media Team Steve Trickler Ushers Stacy Bach Charlie Kennedy Bill Mann Alena Kennedy Acolyte Master Clark Wisniewski Acolytes Allie Cawiezel Madi Collins Erin Cawiezel Josie Weiss Lector/Intercessor Cory Foster Jane Sayre Eucharistic Minister Cory Foster Nancy Kepler Altar Guild Collette Suhr, Ann Peterson, Jane Sayre, Dael Cron Coffee Hosts Barb Manasek, Karen Mecklem Flowers by: Jill Young & Lorrie Wold In memory of Gary & Neta Young and Neva Jones Don & Nancy Kepler In thanksgiving for their grandchildren, Madeline, Meredith, & Morgan ________________________________________________________________________________________________ From the Office--Ann’s Announcements ![]() Birthdays Karen Anderson September 1 Elsi Nielsen September 6 Anniversaries Tom Jones & Carolyn Pevey September 2 Clark & Amy Wisniewski September 4 John & Peggy Wymore September 5 The Soup Kitchen will be tonight, August 29th, 4:30, at the Presbyterian Church. We’d love to have additional help. Contact Rick Gable at 672-7839. The Daughters of the King are continuing to collect pill bottles. Please remove the labels, wash the bottle/cap, and replace the cap. Bottles can be placed in the designated box in the church narthex. The bottles are shipped to Matthew 25 Ministries in Ohio. This organization sends the bottles to clinics around the world where bottles are not readily available. Thank you for your continued support of this important ministry. The Daughters of the King have changed their regular meeting to 6:00 pm on the second Thursday of the month at the church. They previously met at 1:30 pm. It is our hope that this evening time may work better for prospective members who have daytime commitments. If you’re interested in learning more about Daughters of the King, please talk to any DOK member or go to their website The next meeting is Thursday, August 8 at 6:00 pm and interested persons are welcome to attend. Prayer Requests *If you want your request printed in the bulletin, please make sure it's received by Tuesday. You may call (308) 632-4626 (leave a message) or email [email protected]. The Forward Day by Day’s for August-October are here in regular and large print. If you’d like one of these mailed to you, please email or call the church. Thursday Announcements-August 22, 2024 ERIN’S EPISTLETTES
Upcoming Events at St. Francis: Godly Play, teachers meeting, Sunday the 25th, following the 10am service, in the Sunday School room. Lectionary Study and Compline, Tuesday 2pm, Library Evening Prayer on Zoom, August 28th 6pm Men’s Bible Study, Thursdays 8am ____________________________________________________________ Those who serve, Sunday August 25 Today’s Ministry Teams 8am 10am Musician Nancy Meier Barb Becker Media Team Jack Schaaf Ushers Richard Gable Cindy Dickinson Monica Shambaugh Beth McKibbin Acolyte Master Clark Wisniewski Acolytes Allie Cawiezel Will Schaaf Erin Caweziel Emma Schaaf Lector Jim Petitt Ann Peterson Intercessor Jim Petitt Ann Peterson Eucharistic Minister Cory Foster Clark Wisniewski Altar Guild Nancy Kepler, Diane Eskam, Monica & Kathy Shambaugh Coffee Hosts Connie Schingle Collette Suhr, Ann Peterson Flowers by: Marian McKee In memory of her husband, Dick _______________________________________________________________ The elevator for the downstairs is still out of order. The repairman has been called, & yet again by Rev. Erin. We’ll keep you posted. ______________________________________________________________________________ From the Office--Ann’s Announcements
Thursday Announcements-August 18, 2024 ERIN’S EPISTLETTES
_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The elevator for the downstairs is still out of order. A repairman has been called, again. We’ll keep you posted, when it is ready to go. _____________________________________________________ Upcoming Events at St. Francis: Lectionary Study and Compline, Tuesday 2pm, Library Vestry Meeting, Tuesday 6pm Evening Prayer on Zoom, Wednesday 6pm, August 21st Men’s Bible Study, Thursdays 8am Two Service Pilot, Sundays 8am and 10am, April 6 through Aug. 25 _________________________________________________________________________________ Those who serve, Sunday August 18 8am 10am Musician Nancy Meier Barb Becker Media Team Steve Trickler Ushers Cindy Dickinson Alena Kennedy Connie Schingle Nancy Kepler Acolyte Master Clark Wisniewski Acolytes Cory Foster Madi Collins Josie Weiss Lector Jack Webb Barb Manasek Intercessor Jack Webb Barb Manasek Eucharistic Minister Jane Sayre Charlie Kennedy Altar Guild Nancy Kepler, Diane Eskam, Monica & Kathy Shambaugh Coffee Hosts Beth McKibbin, Mary Bowman _______________________________________________________________________________ From the Office--Ann’s Announcements The Daughters of the King are continuing to collect pill bottles.
Please remove the labels, wash the bottle/cap, and replace the cap. Bottles can be placed in the designated box in the church narthex. The bottles are shipped to Matthew 25 Ministries in Ohio. This organization sends the bottles to clinics around the world where bottles are not readily available. Thank you for your continued support of this important ministry. The Daughters of the King have changed their regular meeting to 6:00 pm on the second Thursday of the month at the church. They previously met at 1:30 pm. It is our hope that this evening time may work better for prospective members who have daytime commitments. If you’re interested in learning more about Daughters of the King, please talk to any DOK member or go to their website The next meeting is Thursday, August 8 at 6:00 pm and interested persons are welcome to attend. Prayer Requests *If you want your request printed in the bulletin, please make sure it's received by Tuesday. You may call (308) 632-4626 (leave a message) or email [email protected]. The Forward Day by Day’s for August-October are here in regular and large print. If you’d like one of these mailed to you, please email or call the church. Thursday Announcements-August 8, 2024 ERIN’S EPISTLETTES
The elevator for the downstairs is still out of order. A repairman has been called. We’ll keep you posted, when it is ready to go again. ____________________________________________________________
From the Office--Ann’s Announcements Enjoy the Hot Air Balloon Days! Birthdays Diane Morrison August 11 Cory Foster August 12
Thursday Announcements-August 4, 2024 ERIN’S EPISTLETTES My sister will visit Scottsbluff next week. I'll be in the office less than usual Monday-Thursday because of this but will still be in the area and available for emergencies.
Two-Service Pilot Running Average: 67 Weeks of Pilot Completed: 18 (out of 22 total) July 2024 Average Early Service: 22 Mid-Morning Service: 36 Both Services: 58 vs. June 2023: 46 June 2024 Average Early Service: 20 Mid-Morning Service: 39 Both Services: 58 vs. June 2023: 58 May 2024 Average Early Service: 24 Mid-Morning Service: 46 Both Services: 70 vs. May 2023: 65 April 2024 Average (inclusive of Easter) Early Service: 28 Mid Morning Service: 46 Both Services: 81 vs. April 2023: 82 Our two-service worship pilot runs March 31 - August 25. For more information, please visit _______________________________________________________________ The elevator for the downstairs is still out of order. A repairman has been called. We’ll keep you posted, when it is ready to go again. Those who serve, this week August 4-7 Sun, 8:00 AM Christian Bach Usher Stacy Bach Usher Allie Cawiezel Acolyte Erin Cawiezel Acolyte Jane Sayre Lector Jane Sayre Intercessor Cory Foster Eucharistic Minister Sun, 10:00 AM Alena Kennedy Usher Shirley Mead Usher OPEN Acolyte OPEN Acolyte Clark Wisniewski Lector Clark Wisniewski Intercessor Santana Tamarak Eucharistic Minister Charlie Kennedy Media Team Wed Karen Larson Wed Lunch - Shop (before 9:30 a.m.) Gary Larson Wed Lunch - Shop (before 9:30 a.m.) Nancy Kepler Wed Lunch - Packer (9:30 a.m.) Barbara Manasek Wed Lunch - Packer (9:30 a.m.) Diane Morrison Wed Lunch - Packer (9:30 a.m.) Bill Mann Wed Lunch - Distributor (11:30 a.m.) Ann Selzer Wed Lunch - Distributor (11:30 a.m.) From the office—Ann’s Announcements Happy Balloon Days!
Prayer Requests *If you want your request printed in the bulletin, please make sure it's received by Tuesday. You may call (308) 632-4626 (leave a message) or email [email protected]. The Forward Day by Day’s for August-October are here in regular and large print. If you’d like one of these mailed to you, please email or call the church. Thursday Announcements-July 25, 2024 The elevator for the downstairs is out of order. A repairman has been called. We’ll keep you posted, when it is ready to go again. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Message from Bishop Barker My Dear DioNeb Friends and Family – Earlier today, the House of Bishops elected The Rt. Rev. Sean Rowe to serve as the 28th Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church, bringing to a close the discernment journey that we’ve been on together for the past many months. While it’s hard to lose an election, I have every confidence that the Holy Spirit led the way as the bishops of the church did their work, and I look forward to serving with and supporting our new PB in the years to come! I am so grateful to all of you for the trust and support you’ve offered me during this time of discernment. I’ve been encouraged, prayed, and cared for as in no other time of my life. I will return to Nebraska with a full and thankful heart, both for the honor of having contributed to the process of selecting our new Presiding Bishop and for the grace of coming home to a community that I cherish and a ministry that I love. I’m likewise looking forward to serving with and supporting all of you as we continue to make our way into becoming the Church that Christ calls us to be. Thank you again for your confidence in me and for your thoughtful encouragement over these past months. I look forward to seeing you soon in DioNeb! Faithfully Yours in Christ – + Bishop Barker ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Bishop Scott’s Visit and Our New Confirmands Upcoming Events at St. Francis: Lectionary Study and Compline, Tuesday 2pm, Library Evening Prayer on Zoom, Wednesday, July 24th 6pm Men’s Bible Study, Thursdays 8am Two Service Pilot, Sundays 8am and 10am, April 6 through Aug. 25 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Those who serve, Sunday July 28 Sun, 8:00 AM Christian Bach Usher Connie Schingle Usher Cory Foster Acolyte Monica Shambaugh Lector Monica Shambaugh Intercessor Cory Foster Eucharistic Minister Sun, 10:00 AM Collette Suhr Usher Greg Suhr Usher Emma Schaaf Acolyte Will Schaaf Acolyte Santana Tamarak Lector Santana Tamarak Intercessor Beth McKibbin Eucharistic Minister Jack Schaaf Media Team ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ![]() From the Office--Ann’s Announcements Birthdays Alyson Anderson-Saenz July 29 Mardell Schnell July 31 Judi Widmaier July 31 Leticia Schnell August 1 Justin Bohl August 2 Anniversaries Chris & Jane Kelley July 30 Ralph & Melissa Moreno August 01 Prayer Requests *If you want your request printed in the bulletin, please make sure it's received by Tuesday. You may call (308) 632-4626 (leave a message) or email [email protected]. The Forward Day by Day’s for August-October are here in regular and large print. If you’d like one of these mailed to you, please email or call the church. Thursday Announcements-July 18, 2024 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Message from Bishop Barker My Dear DioNeb Friends and Family – Earlier today, the House of Bishops elected The Rt. Rev. Sean Rowe to serve as the 28th Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church, bringing to a close the discernment journey that we’ve been on together for the past many months. While it’s hard to lose an election, I have every confidence that the Holy Spirit led the way as the bishops of the church did their work, and I look forward to serving with and supporting our new PB in the years to come! I am so grateful to all of you for the trust and support you’ve offered me during this time of discernment. I’ve been encouraged, prayed, and cared for as in no other time of my life. I will return to Nebraska with a full and thankful heart, both for the honor of having contributed to the process of selecting our new Presiding Bishop and for the grace of coming home to a community that I cherish and a ministry that I love. I’m likewise looking forward to serving with and supporting all of you as we continue to make our way into becoming the Church that Christ calls us to be. Thank you again for your confidence in me and for your thoughtful encouragement over these past months. I look forward to seeing you soon in DioNeb! Faithfully Yours in Christ – + Bishop Barker ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ![]() The Right Reverend Sean Rowe, bishop of the dioceses of Northwestern Pennsylvania and Western New York, was selected by the House of Bishops as their twenty-eight Presiding Bishop. A biography is available here. You're encouraged to watch his closing sermon to the General Convention, which is available here. Please hold him, his family and his dioceses in prayer during this time of transition. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ![]() The Diocese of Nebraska offers Education for Ministry (EfM),a 4-year study for adults, which meets for 36 meetings per year via Zoom. This Zoom-based group serves primarily Western and West Central Nebraska plus small churches. Registration deadline is August 9, and we will start after Labor Day. The co-mentors are Sandra Squires at [email protected] and Tammy Lassen at [email protected]. The day of group meetings will be announced once our group is formed. The cost for a full year of tuition is $355 or about $10 per session. Individuals are responsible for buying their own books. Scholarships are available; please talk with Rev. Erin for more information. Bishop Scott’s Visit and Our New Confirmands ______________________________________________________
Thursday Announcements-July 10, 2024 ERIN’S EPISTLETTES
Message from Bishop Barker
___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Bishop Scott’s Visit and Our New Confirmands
Rev. Erin RathCheck in here for weekly announcements. Archives
February 2025