FATHER MARK’S ANNOUNCEMENTS 1) We had a simply amazing response to our request for donations to our 2020 Christmas Family Fund, where we raised just over $2,000, which will help many local families celebrate this year. I have already distributed two of the checks, and I know this – your generosity makes a real and tangible difference in real lives. I mean it when I say “Thank you.” 2) Don’t miss our livestreamed Advent Lessons and Carols this Sunday at 5:30 P.M. It will be streamed on Facebook Live in the same way as our regular Sunday worship service, and there will be a link up on the website to use to watch live and download the bulletin with the readings (done by some familiar faces you maybe haven’t seen in a while) and some special music. Tune in, and join in and enjoy this classic Episcopal service. 3) We will continue to offer Drive-Up Communion every Sunday for the foreseeable future. This has been a really popular addition, and it is so great to see and connect with folks, even for just a moment, and to share actual communion. Just drive through the back parking lot immediately following the 10:00 A.M. service. 4) This week the Bishop sent a pastoral letter to all the churches, encouraging us to just keep the faith during this continuing time of disruption. A copy is attached. He is a pretty great Bishop, I can tell you. GINA’S ANNOUNCEMENTS
Happy Birthday!! Richard Schaneman December 11 Theodore Meyer December 12 Lori Peterson December 11 Rick Gable December 15 Len Tabor December 12 Don Kepler December 15 Happy Anniversary!! Amy & Michelle Anderson-Saenz December 12 Memorial Poinsettia Donations: with the Christmas Season upon us, we will have a sign up for donations to purchase Memorial Poinsettia’s. If you would like to have the Poinsettia donated in the memory of a loved one, please email Gina at [email protected] or call the church and leave a message. The names will be added to the Christmas Eve Bulletin. ***Daily Devotion for Thursday December 3, 2020*** PEACE The 5 Steps – Pause * Listen * Think * Pray * Go Pause Take a few deep breaths. As you inhale, breathe in God’s peace for you. As you exhale, breathe out all that keeps you from being at peace. Listen John the Baptist was in the wilderness calling for people to be baptized to show that they were changing their hearts and lives and wanted God to forgive their sins. Everyone in Judea and all the people of Jerusalem went out to the Jordan River and were being baptized by John as they confessed their sins. Mark 1:4-5 Think In many traditions, you’re only baptized once, but that doesn’t mean that the significance of your baptism is limited to one day. Instead, baptism has lifelong consequences as it is a sign of God’s everlasting covenant with us and signifies the beginning of new life in Christ. Mark tells us that many people throughout Judea responded to John’s invitation for baptism. Not only did they seek God’s forgiveness for their sins in the baptismal waters, but they wanted to show that they were changing their hearts and lives to reflect their faith in God. Notice that they were in the process of changing their hearts and lives when they were baptized. Living lives that reflected faith in God wasn’t just a one-time, single-day activity, but a daily practice and a process. Each day we can choose to change our hearts and lives to reflect our faith in God and to live into God’s covenant with us. What do you need to change so that you can fully respond to God’s call on your life? Rosy Robson Pray Promising God, thank you for your everlasting covenant to be my God. Forgive me of my sins. Help me to choose today to change my heart and my life to reflect my faith in you. Amen. Go Go now to a responsible involvement in the world. Be at peace, for God who created you, Christ who redeems you, and the Spirit who sustains you go with you today and every day. ***For those of you that would like to access these devotionals daily, you can go on this website: www.d365.org ***DON’T FORGET TO EMAIL OR CALL ME WITH YOUR PRAYER REQUESTS BY WEDNESDAY , DECEMBER 16TH*** Gina’s Office Hours Tuesday 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. (Work from home) Wednesday 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. (Work from home) Thursday 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. (In Office) Comments are closed.
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February 2025