FATHER MARK’S ANNOUNCEMENTS Good morning to all! This glorious weather we've had -- including one of the nicest rainstorms I can remember -- has me thinking of summer and travel and golf and picnics and all kinds of stuff that I know may not be possible, at least in the same way and to the same extent as past summers. That makes me sad and, if I'm honest, a little hacked off. I don't know who or what to be mad at, but there it is. The only thing I can imagine to do to get unstuck from these unhelpful feelings is to do my best to live in the moment, be grateful for what I do have and what I can do, and try to be of service to others. This is, I think, God's way and frankly I am not always as good at it as I pretend to be. But today I begin again... Here are my announcements for May 7: 1) Homemade masks are beginning to come in for Steve Trickler's Native American Mask Project. As I said last week, our Native American communities are being hit particularly hard by this pandemic, and many are in desperate need of protective equipment. If this is something you would like to help with you can make or buy masks and drop them off at the church this week and next and Steve will gather and send them. If you would like to have them picked up, just leave a message on the church phone and I'll make arrangements with you. Thanks to those who have already contributed and thanks in advance to those who will contribute soon, and especially thanks to Steve for coordinating this important ministry! 2) Our Communications Team has been hard at work updating our church "Do You Belong" booklet, which contains all kinds of useful information about the parish ministries and ways to contact folks and get involved here at St. Francis. The latest version is now available (another update is in the works for when we are able to re-gather for worship) and I will send it out this afternoon as a PDF file that you can print at home. Take a look. See where you fit here. See what goes on and who to reach when you need information. Join a Ministry Team. There is a place for you here! In fact, there are lots of places where your specific gifts and talents can make a difference in this church and in this community. Watch for the piece to arrive in your in-box. And while we're at it, there are two more documents we will be sending this week. 3) The first is the most recent Parish Directory, again sent as a downloadable PDF. When you get it, if you see that your information is not up to date, or if you want a picture added (or changed), just call Gina and she'll make it happen. 4) The second document you'll receive soon is your Quarterly Giving Report for Jan-Mar 2020. While this is an extraordinary time in our country and in our church and we know financial positions are changing, it is our hope that many in our congregation are able to keep up a regular support of the church. We will likely be deferring or cutting expenditures in anticipation of some level of reduction in gifts. We don’t have a lot of fat to give up, some of it may be felt. At the same time, we are excited about the Diocese charge to continue a video service and maybe more even after we are able to gather again. More about that soon! GINA’S ANNOUNCEMENTS
***Prayer Requests: We will start including Prayers for healing in the Sunday Bulletin again, so until we are meeting in person, please email your prayer requests to Gina at [email protected]. The requests must emailed by Tuesday for them to be included in the Sunday Bulletin for that week. If receive after Tuesday, they will be added to the next Sunday Bulletin. ***This Week’s Schedule May 10th – May 16th ALL IN-PERSON SERVICES SUSPENDED FOR NOW SUNDAY’S 10 A.M. SERVICES WILL BE LIVE STREAMED ON OUR FACEBOOK PAGE – Saint Francis Episcopal Church (Saint must be spelled out, do not abbreviate) If you do not have Facebook, you can go to our website www.saintf.org The Forward Day by Day Meditation for April 30th, 2020 Colossians 3:16-17 Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly; teach and admonish one another in all wisdom; and with gratitude in your hearts sing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs to God. And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. From the Archives: April 1, 1946 “Serve” is one of Christ’s own words. And where shall his servants serve? Right where he is, at home, those nearest him, his neighbor. Today we look upon a most woeful world. It seems burst like a fragmentation bomb. Is there any earthly hope of these warring factions coming together? Not much. But there is a heavenly chance. Let us stand by statesmen, arbitrators, and conciliators, as they seek to bring warring factions together. They work like frantic seamen pumping out a leaky ship who trust the ship will hold together. What can save us is God’s mercy and the Divine impulse that knits millions of little families together in the service of mutual love—and that other family, the Church. MOVING FORWARD: Reach out to someone from whom you’ve been estranged. PRAY for the Dioceses of Kitigi and Kwara (both in Nigeria) Ps 50 * [59,60] or 114, 115 | Exodus 34:1-17 | 1 Thessalonians 2:12-20 | Matthew 5:21-26 Congratulations and God’s Blessing to those celebrating Birthdays or Wedding Anniversaries this month!! May Birthdays May 1 Nate Kelley May 2 John Simmons May 4 Josie Meyer May 6 Fernando Moreno May 8 William Croft May 12 Lisa Brenner, Cindy Dickinson May 13 Sydney Petitt May 14 Tylor Petitt, Cheri Witko, Karen Larson May 15 Sharon Santero, Janet Craven May 19 Sadie Davis, Lola Parrish, Cooper Feltes May 21 Donetta Petitt, Rae Whitney May 24 Lia Selvey May 25 Travis Ironshell May 26 Nancy Kepler, Jill Young, Conlan Cron May 27 Kira Bowhay May 29 Stan Eskam May 30 Clark Wisniewski, Jon Meyer, Brian Croft May 31 Julie Fancher May Wedding Anniversaries May 4 Rick & Christy Anderson May 5 Rick &Vicky Gable May 20 Greg & Ann Peterson May 22 Erik & Lori Peterson May 24 Dan & Cindy Dickinson May 26 John & Ann Selzer May 28 Brad & Jana Bode May 29 Kevin & Nikole Leonard Gina’s Office Hours Tuesday 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. (work from home) Wednesday 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. (work from home) Thursday 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. (work from home) Comments are closed.
Rev. Erin RathCheck in here for weekly announcements. Archives
January 2025