Thursday Announcements June 9, 2022 From the Vestry 1) Thanks to Gary and Karen Larson and Beth McKibbin for making the pots in the courtyard come alive with flowers. St. Francis looks beautiful both inside and out. 2). I heard the salad luncheon was wonderful and a huge hit!!! Thanks to all who participated. You help make St. Francis what it is, a caring community full of wonderful people sharing in the joy of Christ’s love for us all. 3) Office Hours – Ann will be in the office most times between 9:00 AM and 1:00 PM on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. Father Bob will be in the office on Wednesday, June 15 from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm. The office phone will be manned outside of these hours when the office is closed. 4) Please continue to offer prayers for our search committee and those who have been called as a possible rector for our church. We can never have too many prayers!!! 5) Some levity to share (because who couldn't use a good laugh these days?): A minister, a priest and a rabbi went for a hike one day. It was very hot. They were sweating and exhausted when they came upon a small lake. Since it was fairly secluded, they took off all their clothes and jumped in the water. Feeling refreshed, the trio decided to pick a few berries while enjoying their "freedom." As they were crossing an open area, who should come along but a group of ladies from town. Unable to get to their clothes in time, the minister and the priest covered their privates, and the rabbi covered his face while they ran for cover. After the ladies had left and the men got their clothes back on, the minister and the priest asked the rabbi why he covered his face rather than his privates. The rabbi replied, "I don't know about you, but in MY congregation, it’s my face they would recognize." From the office--Ann’s Announcements Birthdays
Ashley Haack June 5 Mary Bowman June 7 Kristi Weiss June 9 Elliot Selzer June 11 Carolyn Pevey June 12 Anniversaries Stan & Diane Eskam June 7 Glen Amateis June 9 Don & Nancy Kepler June 10 Brett & Demuri Parrish June 11 Sunday School, Pre-Teen Bible Study, and Godly Play will not meet until next September. We will keep you posted when these services resume. Prayer Requests ** Please make sure your request is received by Wednesday of each week. You may call (308) 632-4626 (leave a message), email [email protected] or mail to: St. Francis Episcopal Church P.O. Box 1201 Scottsbluff, NE 69361 Forward Day by Day Booklets We have the Forward Day by Day’s for May-July in regular and large print. If you would like any of these mailed to you, please email or call the church. Comments are closed.
Rev. Erin RathCheck in here for weekly announcements. Archives
February 2025